Failte a Sinn Fein Socialisti Oligas. Sinn Fein Socialist Youth is a 32 county movement whose struggle is to create an Ireland of equals and PROSPERITY not AUSTERITY. We are the torchbearers of Ireland's Patriot Dead. The Sinn Fein Socialist Youth contends against the British occupation to build a free Ireland and establish a true independent 32-county Republic within the European Union.
The Sinn Fein Socialist Youth have successfully held their 36th Annual Convention. The entire convention was held in memory of Ireland's Patriot Dead and was thus entirely spent in silence while staring forlornly at images of the Martyrs for Our Cause.
The Sinn Fein Socialist Youth LAMBAST the British for leaving the European Union. This however should be no surprise as the British are ever opposed to peace and unity in Ireland it shoud follow that they are against these noble ends in Europe. The European Union has been invaluable in funding Socialist Youth Movements all over Ireland and Europe, it can thus be believed that the British are afraid of Sinn Fein Socialist Youth's growing strength.
The Sinn Fein (translation: Ourselves Alone) Finance Minister visited the European Parliament to highlight the dire need for European money to be poured into the north. Sinn Fein Socialist Youth stand in solidarity with those who campaign for the much needed investment in such productive sectors as West Belfast DLA. Further, we DEMAND that more European Union PEACE III money be given to build multi million Euro reconciliation centres, wherein the story of Ireland's struggle can be told and the youth of tomorrow re-educated. This re-education must be carried out with historical artificats from the peaceful struggle, such as Bobby Sands' Armalite and Gadaffi Memorial Semtex.
We, the Sinn Fein Socialist Youth, have declared the unborn child to be a legitimate target. Thus all Sinn Fein operatives may destroy the unborn at every opportunity they can find. Sinn Fein has a mandate and it is the PIRA's right to choose. This new target is justified as unborn children have overheard Irish Republican Army conversations whilst in the womb, thus they are classed as informers, hence the new Sinn Fein Socialist Youth stance.
A new cross-community sectarian program has the full backing of Sinn Fein Socialist Youth. KAT/KAH, or, Kill all Taigs/Kill all Hun brings together the sectarian traditions of both backgrounds in the north. Through each side partaking in the spray painting of the other's slogans in sensitive areas Sinn Fein Socialist Youth hopes that reconciliation towards a Socialist Republic of Ireland can be accomplished.
Sinn Fein Socialist Youth deplore the secretive behaviour of the Stormont Executive. After a closed consultation with the Volunteer Council, Sinn Fein Socialist Youth call for complete transparency in all future government business.
After Sinn Fein's deserved victory in the recent Occupier's General Election, Sinn Fein Socialist Youth sent out a message of commendation to the senior party incumbents. Sinn Fein Socialist Youth exhort the continuing stance of the party in refusing to recognise any purported rule over Ireland except for that instated by the Irish. This message of support from Sinn Fein Socialist Youth was delivered to rupterous applause from our Sinn Fein MEPs in the European Parliament.
Since the border (so-called by the British) has been in no way an obstruction to the virus spreading, Sinn Fein Socialisti Oligas note that the Coronavirus proves the alleged border in Ireland is imaginary.
Sinn Fein Socialist Youth's Provisional Institute against State Supression (PISS), who are restless in resisting the machinations of the British State in Ireland, issued a message of commendation and support for carers in our NHS during this trying time. SFSY reminds its supporters that the PIRA were busy ensuring the NHS stayed in business during the Anti-Occupiers War of 1972-1998.
Sinn Fein Socialist Youth have issued a demand to the British Parliament to release all Republican Political Prisoners. However, since SFSY do not recognise the British Parliament, the demand hasn't acctualy been issued to any British Minister of State.
The demand read as follows: S.F.S.Y. demand ALL replublican prisoners be released, irrespective of purported crime or whichever evidence (which is always forged in British courts) has been presented to convict them. S.F.S.Y are not fooled: all arrests of Republicans are simply futile attempts to thwart the progress of Republicanism.
Furthermore, The Socialisti Oilgas remind our Comrade Readers that the PIRA methods have always delivered swift and efficient justice. S.F.S.Y. are proud to say that during Our Brave Struggle, the PIRA took no political prisoners, making them more just than the British.